About Us
Disc Fx Procedure is newly innovative procedure done for patient suffering from low back pain and leg pain of sciatica in selected cases.
It is very “minimal invasive procedure” better than spinal injection and less invasive than Endoscopy or open spine surgery.
Disc Fx Procedure is invented by Dr. Stiffen Hallinger( Germany ). Our Pain Physician Dr. Pratik had taken training from him in Munich, Germany.
Treatment Options
Overall Treatment Options For Slipped Disc Problem
- Medicine with Physiotherapy
- Epidural Injection Procedure
- Disc Fx Procedure
- Selective Endoscopic Discectomy
- Microdiscectomy
- Open spine surgery / Fusion

Indication Of Disc Fx Procedure
- Low back pain
- Back pain with leg pain ( sciatica )
- Disc degeneration
- Annular tear
- Minimal Disc herniation ( slipped disc )
- Failed treatment with medicine and physiotherapy
- Spine fracture
- Spine tumour
- Infection of spine
- Progressive neurological deficit
- Sequestrated disc herniation
- Coagulation disorders or patient on blood thinner medicine

Procedure Overview

• Disc Fx Procedure done under Local Anaesthesia. Patient is in prone position, and needle entry done under live x-ray guidance.

• After confirmation of good needle position guide wire is inserted, needle is removed.

• Needle should be position in post third part of disc where herniation of disc is maximum.

• Disc fx cannula and dilator is inserted over guide wire, then dilator removed.

• Discography done and find out exact pain which patient suffer from long time.

• Disc decompression done with disc rounger forceps and remove herniated fragments from disc.

• After satisfactory decompression, Bipolar RF ablation of nucleus done with turbo mode.Bipolar RF modulation of annulus done for shrinkage of annulus.

• Intermittent visualization is optional and can be done with endoscope. Disc fx cannula removed and dressing applied.
potential Complication
- Discitis – septic or aseptic
- Dural tear
- Epidural hematoma
- Failure to relieve the pain
- Allergic reaction
Post Procedure Care
- Take proper rest for 3 days in lying down or reclined position.
- Avoid prolong standing and sitting more than 30 min for 1 week
- Take medication regularly as prescribed by our doctor
- Apply proper “Lumber support belt” for minimum 2 weeks.
- Avoid bending or twisting your back for at least 6 weeks.
- Avoid lifting heavy weight ( less than 10 kg up to 3 month)
- NO long distance driving for 2 weeks.
- Gradually return to daily activity after 2 weeks.
Impulse Pain Clinic
We are happy to talk with you
511, Fifth Floor, Nobles Trade Centre, Opp. B. D. Rao Hall, Near Bhuyangdev Cross Road, Memnagar, Ahmedabad-380052