Ozone Therapy

  • Ozone is a gas that normally exists in the atmosphere and is produced by the effect of UV rays of sun’s light on the oxygen. Medical ozone is the mixture of oxygen and ozone, in variable concentrations according to how it is applied.
  • Ozone therapy is a treatment method used in pain management where a mixture of ozone and oxygen gas is injected directly into affected areas, like joint, muscle, disc, to potentially reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation and alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis, tendonitis, back pain and mildly herniated disc with or without radicular pain.
  • We are doing ozone therapy regularly in our clinic along with PRP & BMAC treatment. Usually, we are not using steroid injection in most of our treatments, in that case, ozone is the choice of drug in our treatment.
  • It should be done according to the evidence-based protocol published in the literature. Though it is much safer than operative procedures, more robust clinical trials are needed to establish its efficacy and safety.



Procedure Details


Mechanism of actions

Benefit of Ozone therapy

No incision

No scarring

No general anaesthesia

Short hospital stay

Shorter recovery time