
Radiofrequency ablation is minimally invasive, target selective technique that has been in clinical use for more than 3 decades and it is effective in chronic pain condition. Radiofrequency is a neurolytic technique that uses heat to produce controlled tissue ablation (thermocoagulation) and thus reduce pain by modulation pain transmission, without causing clinical sign of nerve damage. Pain relief can be last for many years and procedure can be repeated. It involves the use of a special equipment to produce high frequency energy of 300 to 500 kHz similar to one use in radio-transmitter, and the current termed RF current. Successful use of these technique requires specialized training and in-depth knowledge of neural anatomy.

Principles of Physics & Lesion

A high frequency current 500 kHz produced by RF generator machine apply on neural tissue through a closed circuit produce neurolysis of target nerve. With the use of this specialized generator, heat energy is created and delivered with precision to target nerves that carry pain impulses. The resulting “lesion” involves a spherical area of tissue destruction at the tip of the RF needle that can include pain-carrying nerves.

RF generator machine – multi channel (Halyard Avanos USA)

Size of lesion is determined by following factors



Radiofrequency ablation procedure mostly done under local or regional anaesthesia with help of specialised RF machine.

Radiofrequency current deliver by 27 G thermocouple probe. That probe is inserted in long insulated cannula with different length and different lesion size bare area.

This procedure we do under IITV, USG or CT SCAN guidance with all aseptic and antiseptic precaution in operation theatre.

Before doing RF usually we check for sensory and motor nerve stimulation, to prevent unintentional nerve damage.

Lumber spine facet joint RF ablation procedure – AP view

Lumber spine facet joint RF ablation procedure – Lateral View

Application In Following Condition

We are using Radiofrequency ablation technology for Low back pain, cervical pain, neuropathic pain and cancer-related pain management. Following are the common examples in which we are doing treatment with RF ablation,