What is Tendo Achilles Tendonitis / Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
• Achilles tendon connect your calf muscle to heel bone. Inflammation or injury cause pain around tendon along with swelling. Sometimes there is partial, interstitial or complete tear occurs in Achilles tendon.
• Along with tendon sometimes there are inflammation along the retrocalcaneal bursa and collection of fluid also cause pain with swelling.
Symptoms of Achilles tendonitis & Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
- Pain and swelling along the back side of heel around achilles tendon.
- Usually pain in heel more when start walking after prolong rest and when you wake up in morning.
- After some walking pain gradually reduce in intensity.

Risk factors for Achilles Tendonitis
- Prolong walking or standing job
- Playing sports which involve quick stop and start
- Running and dancing
- Bone spur along the back of calcaneal bone
Diagnosis & Investigation
• Detailed clinical history and examination can get through the diagnosis of tendo achilles tendonitis
• Further investigation include x-ray, USG & MRI

Treatment of Tendo Achilles Tendonitis & Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
Conservative treatment
Rest, Ice application, Compression, Elevation (RICE Protocol) is applicable to all patients which is a basic treatment of any sports injuries with acute onset of pain.
Rest, Ice application, Compression, Elevation (RICE Protocol) is applicable to all patients which is a basic treatment of any sports injuries with acute onset of pain.
Hot and cold therapy. In this therapy patient needs to keep his foot inside the lukewarm water for 20 seconds and ice cold water for 20 seconds and continue this therapy for at least 10 minutes in each sessions.
Hot and cold therapy. In this therapy patient needs to keep his foot inside the lukewarm water for 20 seconds and ice cold water for 20 seconds and continue this therapy for at least 10 minutes in each sessions.
Over the counter medication like NSAID can be taken for some days to reduce pain and inflammation after consultation with your health care provider.
Over the counter medication like NSAID can be taken for some days to reduce pain and inflammation after consultation with your health care provider.
A splint at night to help your Achilles tendon stay stretched while you sleep.
A splint at night to help your Achilles tendon stay stretched while you sleep.
Interventional Pain Management
• Basic concept of treatment of achilles tendonitis is to heal the damaged tendon so that pain, swelling and inflammation will subside and patient get cured.
• At our centre Impulse Pain Clinic, we are managing sports related injuries which is chronic and player is not able to do sports activity. Our modalities of treatment are with some advanced machine (Class 4 LASER & ESWL) which has powerful capacity of healing damaged tissue and some interventional pain management treatment in form of Biologics (PRP & BMAC)

High intensity LASER which is class 4 and having very powerful effect on tissue healing. It has bio-stimulation effects which create new ATP in mitochondria and which create new cells in tissue and promote healing in tendon which cause pain relief. This is not a temporary treatment it is permanent cure.
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is new non-invasive solution for Achilles tendinopathy. Shock wave delivered in damaged tissue and it improve the vascularity in tissue and help to promote healing. In most of our patient this treatment gives good pain relief in one to two weeks.


What is PRP Treatment ?
In our clinic we are doing PRP treatment since 2016. It is consider as a “Biological Treatment“and approved by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for sports injury treatment.
PRP is a component of our blood. It contains the higher concentration of platelets. Platelets contain various growth factors which is required for regeneration of tissue and faster the biological healing process.
Procedure Details
PRP treatment required only 20 ml of the patients own blood and that is processed in USFDA approved special kit in refrigerated centrifuge machine. After processing we can get 3 to 4 ml of PRP.
PRP is injected in damaged tissue of Achilles tendon which has interstitial or partial tear or tendinopathy changes. It help to cure pain by fibrosis and tissue healing naturally.


Benefits of PRP & BMAC
- Its biologics treatment
- No major side effects
- Approved treatment by world anti-doping agency (WADA)
- Much better treatment option than steroid injection
- Permanent and long lasting results