What is Tennis Elbow Pain?
• Tennis elbow is basically a pain around your elbow which occurs while doing work and lifting weight. Its also called “Lateral Epicondylitis”.
• It happens due to repetitive movement occurs due to some work or sports activity. Due to overactivity, muscle got micro injuries leading to pain and inflammation.
• Its called Tennis elbow because commonly happens to sports persons who is playing cricket, badminton, Tennis and other game in which strain occurs to hand and elbow. But it’s also common among household working women and industrial workers.
Symptoms of Tennis Elbow Pain
Pain around elbow mainly on outer side
Pain around elbow mainly on outer side
Swelling around elbow
Swelling around elbow
Sometimes pain get radiate up to forearm.
Sometimes pain get radiate up to forearm.
Pain gets worsen while lifting weight, doing work like turning knob of door.
Pain gets worsen while lifting weight, doing work like turning knob of door.
Tennis elbow occurs more commonly in dominant arm.
Tennis elbow occurs more commonly in dominant arm.
Risk Factors
Anyone can develop tennis elbow pain but more commonly seen in following condition

People having job or work which put more stress over elbow like
- Painter
- Chef or cooks
- Carpenters
- Plumbers
- Musicians
- Gardeners
- Weight lifters
Athlete who put more stress over elbow while playing following sports activities
- Lawn tennis
- Squash
- Pickle ball
- Cricket
- Aggressive gym activity
- Badminton
- Bawling
- Golf
- Weight lifting

How to Diagnose Tennis Elbow Pain
Your health care provider takes proper history and examine your elbow for clinical diagnosis of tennis elbow pain.
Basically, we need to rule out inflammation, partial tear or injury in common extensor muscle of elbow.

First and foremost, basic treatment of sports related injuries are called “RICE PROTOCOL” (Rest, Ice application, Compression, Elevation)
Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort — but don’t give up all physical activity. While you’re healing, try low-impact exercises, such as running, bicycling or walking Take a break from strenuous activities and allow the damaged tissues to repair. If symptoms worsen, consult your doctor.
Ice the affected area
For the first few days after the injury, put an ice pack on the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes. Cold reduces pain, swelling and inflammation in injured muscles, joints and connective tissues. If your skin turns white when it’s being iced, stop treatment immediately.
Compression of the affected area is good for reduction of swelling. Compression helps to reduce the oedema and pain of affected area. Wrap your elbow with specifically available elbow binder. Be careful not to wrap your leg too tightly for you may impair circulation.
This is mainly applicable to limb injuries. Many times, hand can be elevated above the level of heart by applying sling and resting hand over the opposite shoulder. IGravity helps reduce swelling by draining excess fluid and reduce the intensity of pain.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever
Try pain killer medicine which can reduce pain and inflammation. Many times, this medication are more useful for acute pain of injuries but it is for long standing chronic “Repetitive Strain Injuries” these types of NSAID are not much more effective for long term pain relief.
Though it is not useful in acute pain, it can be started after the intensity of pain reduces. It can be started with gradual stretching exercises followed by strengthening of muscles. This therapy should be taken under the guidance of a qualified doctor. Consistent practice of these exercises helps improve flexibility and muscle function.

Many centre have LASER treatment available. But this class 4 high intensity laser is highly powerful 12 W energy which is very helpful for disease like tennis elbow pain. It has two modes of action, one is analgesia and other is bio-stimulation. It generate heat and help to improve the micro-circulation in muscle. We usually give 6 to 8 session of treatment in interval of one or two days. It does not have any major side effects.
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is highly specific treatment which is helpful for treatment of tennis or golfers elbow pain. Acoustic shock wave can penetrate and improve the blood circulation in tendon and muscle. It help to reduce the oedema by draining inflammatory mediators and along with class 4 laser it has enhance the pain relief to our patients.


What is PRP Treatment ?
At Impulse pain clinic we are doing PRP treatment for Tennis / Golfer’s elbow pain since 2016. This treatment gain huge attention of the athletes and all the sportsmen worldwide. It is consider as a “Biological Treatment“and it is approved therapy for treatment of painful musculoskeletal condition by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
PRP is a one of the component of our blood. Platelets contain various growth factors which is required for regeneration of tissue and faster the biological healing process.
Procedure Details
We usually collect only 20 ml of the patients own blood and that is processed in USFDA approved PRP KIT in refrigerated centrifuge machine. After preparation we can get 3 to 4 ml of PRP which is giving in the damaged extensor or flexor muscle group of elbow under USG guidance and anesthesia cover.


Benefits of Therapy
- Advance and safe treatment
- This treatment does not have major side effects
- Approved treatment by world anti-doping agency (WADA)
- Biological treatment - No steroid use
- We are not giving any NSAID during treatment