What is Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal Nerve is the 5th cranial nerve taking sensation from face to brain. Trigeminal Neuralgia is the neuralgic pain along distribution of Trigeminal Nerve.
Trigeminal Neuralgia has been described as one of the most severe pain syndromes. It is characterized by excruciating, electric shock like, shooting/stabbing pain in the distribution of Trigeminal nerve in the face.
Common symptoms are pain on one side of face cheek, upper jaw with teeth or in lower jaw.
Clinical features and diagnosis
It is unilateral during any one episode, abrupt onset with pain-free intervals between attacks. Pain is triggered by some non-noxious stimuli like touching of face, chewing, swallowing or even talking. Tumors, vascular malformations, dental disease, sinusitis may cause trigeminal neuralgia, but the etiology in the majority of the cases is unknown.
The condition occurs more often in the middle aged and is twice as common in females as in males. Most commonly patients present with pain maximum either in maxillary or mandibular divisions.
Actually Trigeminal Neuralgia is a clinical finding. We can do MRI of brain to rule out other pathology of brain. MRI with Trigeminal Protocol might show relationship between blood vessel and fifth cranial nerve.
Most of the patients in the initial stages respond very well to pharmacological therapy. As the duration of disease extends, the medications become ineffective and patient will require an interventional procedure.
Medical Management
- Carbamazepine & Oxycarbamazepine is the first line of treatment. The side effects are nausea, vomiting, ataxia, skin rash and blood dyscrasia.
- Baclofen in 5 to 10 mg thrice daily can be given. The side effects are sedation, dizziness and dyspepsia.
- Gabapentin has been found to work in conjunction with carbamazepine in a dose of 300-3000 mg in divided doses per day.
- Pregabalin in a dose of 150 mg to 600 mg may be tried when other drugs have failed or withdrawn due to side effects.

Interventional pain management
Nerve blocks
Individual divisions of the fifth cranial nerve at their trunk (like maxillary nerve block & mandibular nerve block) or their peripheral branches (like supraorbital, infraorbital, inferiordental and mental nerves) may be blocked with local anaesthetic or neurolytic agent (like phenol/alcohol). In addition to their diagnostic value, it may relief pain for longer duration.

Radio Frequency Treatment
The trigeminal ganglion/gasserian ganglion is located at the base of skull at Meckel’s cave. It may be blocked with glycerol, Radio-Frequency, or Balloon compression. Alcohol or phenol are rarely used nowadays because of their complications like: numbness, corneal ulceration, drooling and trophic lesion of skin and sometimes constant burning pain in the numb area. Success rate with Radio Frequency is 98%, glycerol 72-96% & balloon compression 90-100%.
The recurrence rate with these procedures is highest with glycerol of about 54% on 4 years follow up. Complications of radio frequency procedures are rare but similar to alcohol. Gasserian ganglion block with radio frequency is the most commonly performed procedure because of its minimal complications, highest success rate and low recurrence rate.